

Single Audits (Uniform Guidance)

Finance & Risk Services / Single Audits (Uniform Guidance)

Single Audits (Uniform Guidance)

When federal funds are involved, the responsibility of financial stewardship increases manifold. Shurek Accounting & Tax specializes in Single Audits, assessing compliance with Uniform Guidance and ensuring that your organization meets all federal program requirements.

Our Single Audit services cover:

Comprehensive Assessment:

Evaluating your financial statements and federal award expenditures to ensure adherence to Uniform Guidance.

Regulatory Compliance:

Ensuring all federal grant requirements and regulations are met.

Internal Control Review:

Evaluating the effectiveness of internal controls related to federal programs.

Recommendations for Enhancement:

Suggesting best practices to improve compliance and enhance the management of federal funds.

Why Choose Shurek Accounting & Tax?

With a keen understanding of federal requirements and the nuances of Uniform Guidance, Shurek Accounting & Tax acts as a guiding beacon, ensuring your organization is compliant, responsible, and efficient in managing federal funds,

Want To Work With Us?

At Shurek Accounting & Tax, we offer a range of financial services tailored to the needs of businesses and individuals. With our expertise in emerging markets like artificial intelligence (AI) and cryptocurrency, we provide personalized financial advice and services to help businesses achieve their financial goals and mitigate potential risks.