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Starting a business is an exciting and challenging endeavor that requires careful consideration of many important decisions. Among the most…

When it comes to tax purposes, the IRS considers an activity as a business as long as it is regularly…

As a small business owner, one of the most important tasks you'll need to handle is payroll taxes. These taxes,…

As a small business owner, navigating the complex world of taxes can be daunting. From keeping accurate records to understanding…

As the world becomes increasingly digital and remote work becomes more prevalent, many businesses are beginning to grapple with the…

As a business owner, it's important to have strong internal controls in place to ensure the integrity and accuracy of…

Owing back taxes is a stressful and overwhelming situation for many taxpayers. Whether you've fallen behind on filing your tax…

The IRS is reminding Americans born in 1950 or earlier that they have important upcoming deadlines for required minimum distributions…

Staying on top of all your deductions is essential to mitigate your tax liabilities. One area that is often overlooked…

When it comes to starting a business, one of the first decisions you'll need to make is how to structure…

As a business owner, you must stay informed about the deductions you're eligible for. Not only can deductions help lower…

Want To Work With Us?

At Shurek Accounting & Tax, we offer a range of financial services tailored to the needs of businesses and individuals. With our expertise in emerging markets like artificial intelligence (AI) and cryptocurrency, we provide personalized financial advice and services to help businesses achieve their financial goals and mitigate potential risks.